(OUR very own MOS ambassador)
Seemingly that facebook now is the ever convenient tool that everybody relies on, this piece of information is therefore re posted on this website to showcase to the rest of the world
just for fun the brackets are the ratings of the smiles =)
*warming up the party we got the lovely adorable (4.5) Yih Haur & WTee (5)
Mr China Ambassador (3) sandwich-ed by two lovely ladiess (7+7=7) =D
EX Futsal Strikers (4-4-2)
(ironically the EX kinda really implies on it's real meaning)
WE're no 1 For those abroad partying with ex is still the best thing to do!
Mr coolio
Mr ready to go clubbing
Cathy and MR 305
MS CAt and win Kat
somehow i just adore this pic
and this one...
(excuse me miss!!) hahaha ALvin desrves full points for this smile (10 <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjVtEQOBJgAi9byWNylVoheFZJlRSn2iVQPKwIMZnLwP2jSPwxEOsUnRBn2dW8eWw4xmL0BIPphIilLduoQjudpP4W7_ZabTztQ1qhYFN2d-rXlvE_CMfA9zWdX6jzyu7aqACezL6UjJedX/s1600/31120_434661573783_701293783_5670888_2123898_n.jpg">
(Shorty got low low low-ed... pak*) whose that red dude!
(Reach for the stars!!!! ***)
All in all we still love our football!! (10)
Ex wishing all the members a very GOOD GOOD NIGHT