Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brain teaser =)

Here's something to do if ur bored.. help me figure this out.. i haven't had much time to sit and think about this.. =)

Here are some facts.

1) There are 5 houses, each with a front door of a different colour and inhabited by men of different nationalities, with different pets and drinks.. Each man smokes a different kind of pipe tobacco.

2) The englishman lives in the house with the red door.

3) The spaniard owns the dog.

4) Coffee is drunk in the house with the green door.

5) The ukrainian drinks tea.

6) The house with the green door is immediately to the right of the house with the ivory door.

7)The medium cut smoker owns snails.

8)Spun cut is smoked in the house with the yellow door.

9)Milk is drunk in the middle house.

10) The norwegian lives in the 1st house on the left.

11) The man who smokes mixture lives in the house net to the man with the fox.

12) Spun cut is smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.

13) The flake smoker drinks orange juice.

14) The japanese smokes rough cut.

15) The norwegian lives next to the house with the blue door.

Question: Who drinks water, and Who owns the zebra? =)

Have fun guys~~=)

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