Since i don't go club as much as u people.. i feel like i should play a part since i won't be there much.. here are some lines u people should try out once a while =)..
P.S. Try at your own risk. This lifeless moderator will not be held responsible for any facial injuries or loss-of-father's-day-privileges.... =D
let's get it going~~!!! P.S. female replies in brackets~~
--OMG.. was that an earthquake? or did you just ROCK my world?
--Are you from tennessee? no? weird.. cos ur the only TEN i see..
--Are you a magnet? i find myself helplessly attractecd to you..
--Giant polar bear. (What?) It's an icebreaker.. Hi.. my name is...
--You know what? You look a LOT like my next girlfriend....
--You look like my 1st wife!! (how many have you had?) None...
--If looks could kill, u'd be a weapon of mass destruction..
--Do you have any rasins? no? how about a date?
--My buddies over there said that i wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar.. wanna buy some drinks with some of their money?
--Do u have a fever? Or are you always this hot?
--Man.. ur so hot u should have ur own warnings on the weather channel..
--POOF!! (what are you doing?!?) I'm here, now what are your other two wishes?
--Can i take a pic of you, so i can show santa what i want for my next xmas...
--Do you have the time? (the time is ____) No, the time to write my number down..
--I don't know if ur beautiful of not, i haven't gotten past ur eyes yet...
--You shouldn't wear makeup. It's messing with perfection..
--Do u have a plaster? I just scraped my knee falling for you..
--Life without you would be like a broken pencil.... pointless...
--When i saw you from across the room, I passed out and hit my head on the floor... I'm gonna need your name and number for insurance reasons..
--I was blinded by your beauty so i'm gonna need your name and number for insurance reasons..
--Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, then i guess u know what i'm here after..
--Were you a scout? Because u sure have tied my heart in a knot..
--Hi.. i'm Mr.Right.. somebody said u were looking for me..
--Are you lost? Heaven is a long way away from here....
--Ur so hot, i'm getting a tan standing next to you..
--Excuse me, i think you have something in your eye.. (really?) Oh sorry my bad, it's just a sparkle..
--Are you a parking ticket? (what?) you got FINE written all over you..
--I'm invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night?
--Aren't you tired? You've been running through my mind all day long..
--I'm sorry, were you talking to me? (no?) Well then, please start..
I'm sure there are a LOT more.. there are just a few random generated ones ahahaha...
SO... the next time any one of you guys go clubbing.. try it out and let me know whether it works ya.. =D
EX-Lifeless out~